Fencing increases your confidence and activates your mind

Benefits of fencing?

Children who fence competitively learn to deal with intense pressure, cope gracefully with success as well as defeat, learn persistence, gain personal confidence, develop good posture, become experienced in rapid and creative problem solving, differentiate themselves from other kids and gain a highly competitive edge. Modern fencing has many benefits and advantages as compared to other sports. Listed below are just a few of fencing’s many health benefits:

  • Cardiovascular Workout: Because fencing is based on combat, it is a fast-paced series of movements. The adrenaline and rapid actions get the heart pumping and oxygen flowing. Regular cardio has been found to help with lowering cholesterol, increasing stamina, strengthening the heart and lungs, reducing the risk of heart disease, and diminishing stress levels.
  • Calorie Burning: Fencing is practiced while wearing layers of protective gear, including pants, and underarm protector, a jacket, a metallic vest (in Foil and Saber), gloves and a mask. All this clothing and gear makes the body sweat more during intense combat and burn calories at a rapid rate, helping participants to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. It helps tone the body, leading to increased self-esteem.
  • Muscle Developer: The offensive and defensive actions in fencing require precise body stances and subtle yet powerful arm and leg positioning. Repeating these actions leads to better hand-eye coordination, stronger muscles and increased flexibility. Success in fencing also requires participants to have good posture.
  • Mind Game: This sport activates the mind. Fencing is often compared to chess because opponents have to think several moves in advance and react logically to an action. However, it is more challenging than chess because it also includes intense physical activity. Fencing is an intense workout for the mind involving fast logic as the fencer utilizes a calm mind in a fast-paced and high-pressure environment. Fencing helps participants learn to pay attention and develop their decision-making abilities, which will help them not only on the fencing strip, but also in the classroom.
  • Social Activity: Fencing increases confidence and allows participants to build relationships with other like-minded people who enjoy strategy, logic and physical prowess. Through fencing, the pressure of competitions tends to bring participants together and help people develop a sense of self-worth and community. There are many fencing competitions at the local, national, and international level. You will meet and become friends with many interesting fencers from all over the country and the world. You will be part of a unique community of fencers; the community’s camaraderie can last their entire lives.
  • College Placement: The most prestigious universities in the country have long possessed successful and historic fencing teams. Colleges are looking to recruit the best and brightest of American fencing to compete at the NCAA level. Just like many other sports, students can get scholarships if they become high-level fencers. Under the supervision of our elite coaches, our club has helped to place students into the best universities in the country, including Harvard, Columbia, Notre Dame, the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania), UCSD, and many others.